Algorithmic Regulation (co-edited with Karen Yeung), Oxford, Oxford University Press (2019).
Oxford Handbook of Classics in Public Policy and Administration (edited with Steven Balla and Ed Page), Oxford, Oxford University Press (2015).
Problem-Solving Capacity of the Modern State (co-edited with Kai Wegrich), Oxford, Oxford University Press (2014).
Hertie Governance Report 2014, Oxford, Oxford University Press (2014).
Political Science Research Methods in Action (co-edited with Michael Bruter), Basingstoke, Palgrave (2013).
Managing Regulation (with Kai Wegrich), Basingstoke, Palgrave (2012).
Executive Politics in an Age of Crisis (edited with Kai Wegrich), Basingstoke, Palgrave (2012).
Understanding Regulation (with Robert Baldwin and Martin Cave), Oxford, Oxford University Press (2012, second edition).
Oxford Handbook of Regulation (edited with Robert Baldwin and Martin Cave), Oxford, Oxford University Press (2010).
The Politics of Public Service Bargains (with Christopher Hood), Oxford: Oxford University Press (2006).
Regulatory Innovation: A Comparative Analysis (edited with Julia Black and Mark Thatcher), Cheltenham, Edward Elgar (2005).
On Different Tracks: Designing Railway Regulation in Britain and Germany, Westport, CT: Praeger (2002).
Journal articles (since 2013)
‘Brexit, the tides and Canute: the fracturing politics of the British state’ (with Will Jennings), Journal of European Public Policy, 26(5): 772-89.
‘Comparing Blunders in Government’ (with Will Jennings and Matt Ryan), European Journal of Political Research, 75(1), 2018: 239-58.
‘Customer engagement in UK water regulation’ (with Eva Heims) Policy & Politics, 46(1): 81-100.
‘Reputation Management and Societal Security’ (with Tom Christensen) American Review of Public Administration, 48(2): 119-32.
‘Reputation and Accountability Relationships: Managing Accountability Expectations through through Reputation’ (with Madalina Busuioc), Public Administration Review, 77(1), January 2017, pp. 91-100.
‘What is Regulation? An Interdisciplinary Concept Analysis’ (with Christel Koop) Regulation & Governance, 11(1), March 2017: 95-108.
‘The Rationality Paradox of Nudge: Rational Tools of Government in a World of Bounded Rationality’ (with Kai Wegrich), Law & Policy, 3(1), July 2016, pp. 250-67.
‘Designing Resilient Institutions for Transboundary Crisis Management: A Time for Public Administration’ (with Arjen Boin), Public Administration, vol. 94(2), June 2016, pp. 289-98.
‘The Reputational Basis of Public Accountability’ (with Madalina Busuioc) Governance, vol. 29(2), April 2016, pp. 247-63.
‘Whitehall in the Caribbean? The Legacy of Colonial Administration for Post-Colonial Democratic Development’ (with Lindsay Stirton and Kim Moloney) Commonwealth & Comparative Politics, 53(1), 2015: 8-28.
‘Science, Badgers, Politics: Advocacy Coalitions and Policy Change in Bovine Tuberculosis Policy in Britain’ (with Kira Matus) Policy Studies Journal, 2014, vol. 43(3): 367-90.
‘The Regulatory State under the Coalition Government: Volatile Stability Continued’ Political Quarterly, 2014, vol 85(2), pp. 143-7.
‘Exploring the Co-ordination of Economic Regulation’ (with Christel Koop) Journal of European Public Policy, vol. 21(9) October 2014, pp. 1311-1329.
‘Crowdsourcing and Regulatory Reviews: A New Way of Challenging Red Tape in British Government?’ (with Kai Wegrich) Regulation & Governance, vol. 9(1), March 2015, pp. 30-46.
‘Politics in the Boardroom: Corporate Pay, Networks and Recruitment of Former Parliamentarians, Ministers and Civil Servants in Britain’ (with Sandra Gonzalez-Bailon and Will Jennings), Political Studies, vol. 61(4), December 2013, pp. 850-73.
‘Crisis, Resources and the State: Executive Politics in the Age of the Depleted State’ Political Studies Review, vol.11(3), September 2013, pp. 378-90.
Select book chapters (since 2013)
‘Accounting for Blind Spots’ in T. Bach and K. Wegrich (eds) The Blind Spots of Public Bureaucracy and the Politics of Non-Coordination, London, Palgrave (June 2018).
‘Regulating higher education: national audit explosions in international markets’ in B., Cantwell, H. Coats and R. King (eds) Handbook of Politics of Higher Education, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar (June 2018).
‘Ian Ayres and John Braithwaite - Responsive Regulation’ in S. Balla, M. Lodge and E. Page (eds) Oxford Handbook of Classics in Public Policy and Administration, Oxford, Oxford University Press (March 2015).
‘Accountability and Consumer Sovereignty’ in A. Bianculli, X. Fernandez-i-Marin and J. Jordana (eds) Accountability and Regulatory Governance, Basingstoke, Palgrave (January 2015).